Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ruffy's Day Out

Claucy the ruff is on my shoes. Nice (: No, not a product of Paul Frank. Oops, i hope they wont sue me.
Studied for 4 hours with Jun Jun today. Coffeebean rocks my socks. Then we decided to chill for a bit after getting all crazy with Marginal and Absorption costing. Vivocity, here we come!
Tried on clothes from Zara, Topshop, Pull&Bear. Got tempted and bought a pair of leggins. JJ said i look like a pole in that pic. O_o Then i realised everything i tried on today is BLACK! What to do, its the safest colour right. And i tell you, the vest is dropdeadgorgeous!!
Dont talk to me about my vow. Disgusting me..if i dont shop, i'll die. Plus im stress, shopping makes me feel good!
I'm thinking of my 2 jumpsuit. One from Supre, the other from Dotti. Both aussie brand. Prolly getting it. Heck.
Now im poor. Maybe i'll stop shopping.
Medication is making me all drowsy..i like sleeping in. My body needs it anyway.
Bumped into Lesley dear (: you're looking prettier!!! Catch up soon..cant wait to run away from your doggie. Haha.