Thursday, December 18, 2008

I think lame/wet looks leggings are not my cup of tea.
Yet i have collected so many orders on my LJ.
I'm dying to wear a trench-coat in office. But i'm sure all the aunties will stare. Haha.
Had induction the other day. Gees, all i remember was "jail & fine". So yes, i think i need to zip up my mouth and not talk about work to anyone. Scary huh!
Flea-ing at Sculpture Square on Saturday. Please support (:
I'm feeling queasy about something..and i dunno what is it..quite frustrated. And im wondering if i tend to offend others easily.
I have in mind some new year resolutions..
Anyways, to end of my random musings, i have Christmas presents for some of you. So if you're lucky, you'll get it soon! Hoho!
'Shanice' -> who're you...?!
Kimmy -> i dunno who's that shanice..definitely not me. haha. well..i get depressed sometimes..
Duckied -> you want to know who's "baby"? Date me and nana for dinner soon :b