MMS Friends

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sun's shining on my bum!

Jemima: "I try to keep in mind 2 things when it comes to guys.

1. If they can't be your friend, they can't be anything else. (thanks pa)
2. Any guy that compels you to lower your standards (which are meant to be high in the first place) isn't worth your time.

If you're thinking i'm in a feminist pms mood, you're badly mistaken. I am merely sharing life hersheys that can save girls unnecessary heartache, and give guys treasured insight into ways to treat a lady proper."

Dating's such a bore i tell ya. If only the right one comes along just like that. Which hardly happens if you ask me.

Anyhow, caught me by surprise i was up by 945am. Just got my maid Jacq to buy me some breakfast. Can't wait for the dinner date with my girlies. Not really feeling very mambo tonight but heading down to Zouk. Really hope to see Aurelia babe..we're been missing each other for eons i swear!!