MMS Friends

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Grey's Anatomy was good last night (:

I took LRT for the first time in my life. Oh my God. Was scary i swear. I don't know why, maybe the thing about doing things for the first time?? Got me all anxious. But i reached Meridian safely. Haha.

Just came back from Peichin's place not too long ago. Watched Basic Instinct II and didnt quite get it. Haha. But the sex parts, seriously TOO graphic. Ate most of the chocolates she offered, chips, junkfood. Now, i needa lose some weight. O_o Thanks for having me over girlie! (:

Anyway, on the long bus ride home from Punggol, i had a silly thought. About how much i love bashful guys, messy Jap hair and one who loves reading like i do. *grins*

Baybeeboy called this afternoon. Kinda got a shock cause he asked if i'm still a lesbian. Huh?? Does it stole my heart! Hurhs.

What spree should I organise, a little too free. Really like this top from F21. They're not sold in spore though. Dumb. Ass, they just ran outta stock!! *whines*

So, i sold 3 items, got back 57 buckeroos. Tmr, im gonna sell my favourite Aztec Rose bikini off for $68. I paid about $66 for it and wore it a trillion times. Sigh. But it'll get loose and colour will fade in time to come. So i might as well sell it while the iron's hot right? Args.


Jerr -> Haha..pardon me but i dont get whatcha mean! =b Ure too smart for me. Haha.