Sunday, November 19, 2006
JADE in town!

I saw Jade (from America Next Top Model) right infront of my eyes!! She's was on the same mrt carriage as i am but everyone kinda noticed her and she moved away. See, she doesnt hanker after much attention!! Hell, wanted a snapshot with her lar!! =((
Attended Rushdy's brother wedding this afternoon with Tirene dear. Was really an honour to be there, my very first experience at a malay wedding! (: Thanks!
Rushed outing to Marina Square and Bugis with lil sister and Mindy. Lil sis is flying off tmr till Dec 1. Can't send her off due to work commitment but im gonna miss her ='(
Babyboy, you made my day in a simple way. I heart you very very muchly. *muacks*