Monday, March 05, 2007

Tish and her baby dragon. He seems too nice to be a dragon that spits fire. Haa.
After working at Little India with Edward and Gerard, it was Hollandv with twins, clarence and shu. I think i smelt like Mustafa, damn the ugly singtel teeshirt. I had to disinfect my ear once i reached home because i cannot remb how many disgusting banglah hp i activated.
"Try your luggy sir! Luggy draw!"
Because what we did after Breko-ing was kinda *, i cannot release the photos on my blog. One day, perhaps. Seems like an adventure!! (:
Zihui -> heya babe! river island is the one which a branch at vivo, am i right?? haha, drainpipes're like so fashionable now. darn ex too. get the zara one, its cheaper. hope you're feeling better. call me up regarding ur boy's education thingy k. if you still need more info from me (: