Thursday, April 19, 2007
+ve 105 feedbacks
I heart American Eagle (:
The parcel came today. And i spent some time wrapping them up, and splitting the 25 undies into the packages for the ladies. Man, it was hard work! Haha.
Opening the last AE spree (very fuss-free to order from em') before exams start next month. Check out if you want anything!
Melly -> im getting real busy. haha, our half-soul outing might needa wait! yea, that risenshine girl can go kiss my arse. fret not, i'll deal with it when i can. before sunday hopefully. =/
Duckied -> is it-ed?? i cant remember leh-ed. hahaha, hopefully im correct now-ed?? after exams, we go find Singtel work together la-ed. slack-ed together-ed!! (: