Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Happy birthday, lil' sis!

Work's quite a bore these days.
Project's coming to an end.
Yesterday, i conducted some training for the bank associates.
Today, i shopped at bankofamericastore.com.
Tomorrow, i'll be taking time off to go horse-riding with lil' sis at Kranji in the late afternoon.
My cousin who's a professional jockey will be introducing us to the sport.
Wanted a million and one things on VS. But after placing 5 batches of order (sgspree.livejournal.com), i was over-worked to be able to shop in peace. Got a sweater in the end.
I cannot wait for Bangkok trip on the 21st.
Take me away.
Kim -> what trend! tsk. ok, i'll sell my silver set for $200. Let me know if your friend is interested ya
Sa'edah -> how was convocation dear?? hee..hope you're doing great! Pam tried to ask me out but timings dont seem attractive :(