Monday, March 23, 2009
Lukes' Day

Luke's belated celebration at Marina Square.
Edward, Tirene, Indran.
Kolo mee, Detroit Metal City.
Happy as can be (:
Thank you for the movie Luke!Was totally on potato chips everyday last week.
Fat drug.
I am shamelessly fat and lazy as of 23 March 2009.
Met Luke and lil sis (they-friend & sis' bf have the same name AND surname) at MS Color to get my dslr and f2.8 17-50 lens. With screen and uv protector, totalled up to $2018. I'm frikkin poor now. Will have to sell another 100 piece of clothing to earn back everything. Which means i have to work damn hard this 2 months (and every other day in fact). I am officially working from home and feeling very stressed. I don't feel particularly happy or sad after purchasing the camera and lens (finally), not sure why. A lot to learn and read up on. Definitely a worthy investment for my online businesses (: Cheers to that.
Met Luke and lil sis (they-friend & sis' bf have the same name AND surname) at MS Color to get my dslr and f2.8 17-50 lens. With screen and uv protector, totalled up to $2018. I'm frikkin poor now. Will have to sell another 100 piece of clothing to earn back everything. Which means i have to work damn hard this 2 months (and every other day in fact). I am officially working from home and feeling very stressed. I don't feel particularly happy or sad after purchasing the camera and lens (finally), not sure why. A lot to learn and read up on. Definitely a worthy investment for my online businesses (: Cheers to that.
Speaking of which, the new collection which was launched on Saturday evening, selling quite well. Buyers were prompt on payment (: and so far no problems tallying payments and sending out invoices. Hopefully i get 0% dead buyers and i am definitely looking forward to a good profit figure when i close account for this collection. Wish me luck and spread the word of my online shopblog! :b