MMS Friends

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Giselle's mini surprise party at work on Friday.
I must be crazy to snap my manager..but sorry, there's so much i can take.
Shannon & Sei's the best!!! (: xx

The run was insane.
The body odor everywhere was so bad i kept gagging.
So i tried not to breathe! Imagine, not enough oxygen, weak heart, the heat from the Sun at 9+..wah..
And, too many people. I spent more time trying to get out of the human jam.
Timing was the last on my mind..but whether to take MC tmr was the first. HAHA. Fatigue + exhaustion leh..
Prolly my first and last commercial marathon
Lower disc was hurting..but i've recovered..back to work tmr!

But still, i finished my race with lil' sis.
She is the ultimate power.
Thanks baby!

Studio M Hotel loft with Xingyu and a couple of our close friends this New Year's Eve.
I'm psyched!! (: