MMS Friends

Monday, April 29, 2019

Baby 2 - week 13

2019 is the year we decided to give Audria a sibling.
Thankfully we conceived on the first try!
With irregular period cycles, I'm just grateful God have decided to bless us with this gift.
Booked an appointment to see Dr Poon King Fu on my 5th week.
Actually, we could have waited longer but the clinic assistant said its better to come as soon as possible, just to ensure the embryo is implanted in the right place.

First appointment was costly. Slightly over $200 for consultation.
Ultrasound, urine test and folic acid. But in comparison to 2015 charges, it hasn't been inflated much.
His clinic looks exactly the same, as if time stood still haha.

We saw the gestation sac and went back on week 7 to hear the heartbeat. Follow up was week 9 and week 12.

I started at 45kg and after increasing to 46.2kg, my weight dropped to 45.7kg during my 12 week visit. Better than the scary dip i had with Audria after countless of puking.

As compared to my pregnancy with Audria, i think i am coping better with the morning sickness but still feeling fatigue, nauseous as hell and feeling super unfunctional. Its week 13; i just had my first real puke after a yongtaufu breakfast.

Eating supplements is a struggle. My body fighting hard not to gag at the thought of medication.
Folic, calcium, iron, fish oil.....omg i really wish i don't have to take them. Makes me sick.

We went for the OSCAR test, same as Audria. NT translucency scan showed that the baby's back spine is slightly thick at 2.4. Below 2 is always better. But it needs to be companied with the blood test results so we shall see in 1 week's time.
My urine test came back horribly failed.
4 WBCs/hpf is the normal range. My reading was 25 WBCs/hpf. Which means i definitely have some infection somewhere and though not showing much symptoms, it could possibly be UTI. Was summoned to go back for another test this week. Bummer :(

Dr Poon said baby is growing well, strong heartbeat.
Thankful thankful thankful.
We are due to deliver on the 6 Nov 2019.
Likely at Mount A again.
6 more months to go, praying morning sickness goes away soon.
I want my energy and life back!