MMS Friends

Thursday, April 21, 2005

didnt go to work

Didnt go to work. Coughing kinda got worst. Plus, Tirene didnt go to work because she's got MC. drive to work since IRAS is kinda deserted these days.

Spent my morning on the line with dirtyboy and woman. Before i knew it, was lunch already. Glad i can slack at home and read my book.

Yesternight's EYE FOR A GUY 2 was crazy and weird. I agree with Keller! Aaron, Shan and Howard gave me the best impression. The rest were erm...alright...some didnt bother to make their pressence felt..James was woah..way off in the show. I think Singapore's reality shows really suck. I am glued to the telly anyhow..monday to sunday. No time for cable!! Channel 5's interesting enuff. =)