MMS Friends

Friday, July 15, 2005

NKF caught in toiletbowl mess

Im in the risk of sounding incredibly stupid, but, i still dont get all the terms..hard-disk..combo..what shits man. Haha..Liyu darling's as blur as i am yesterday at Funan when we were notebook hunting. *grins* I must thank Edward for trying to explain stuff to me. Haha.

Pretty much decided on an ibookG4. Basic usage. Anything above simple is confusion to me.

Mom's gonna purchase a new car soon. Dumb investment. Parents hardly ferry me around anyway. In fact, she wants me to drive her around in it. *No way!!!* It's pointless buying so many cars. Dont ask me to learn driving..i'll prolly bang every single car i see on the road. X_x

Off to Esther's place for yummy lunch made by her Mummy!

Oh frikking cab fare mounted up to $19 that day. Damn the jam!!!! *curses*