MMS Friends

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tai-Tai 1 2 3

Had afternoon tea with Faith (Jenalyn & guy) on Monday at Bugis after handing in our time-sheet. Saw my babyboy at Mos Burger. *grins* How coincidental!

Met Sheryldine & Melly after the Starhub interview at Cityhall today. Walked from Citylink to Marina Square to Suntec then back to Citylink. I don't've to describe how happy i was to have my girls with me, shopping, dining and photo-whoring. Damn those tempting bras at La no, its Dine tempting me and Melly to spend all the time!!

Mango top caught my eyes, except i hope to find that design in white. Its kinda simple yet sexy to an extent. And i still wanna find a size 6 for that pink bottom at Topshop! But i'm jobless now, so i shouldnt spend unnecessarily.

Train home got me and Melly all thirsty and hungry. So it was supper at HongKong Cafe!! Haha, round two soon alrights?? =b I want my Mee Sua!!

On the bus-ride home, it hit me softly that Friendships're really important to me (:

Jerr -> it was a killer roadshow. i didnt even have the time to walk ard. =/ i working to relax too..dont think there's any job for me now (:

Angele -> ewww......URL system..AAonline..AWIS.. *curses*

CJS -> yea, i like the feeling knowing that God is gonna be with me throughout the day. Hee, bless ya darling. Exams started right?? Dont get distracted by jaw-mate!! but glad she's doing so well!! (:

Melly -> yayness....thursday!! if no sentosa, we still go out ok! ya!!!!!! -hugs tight-

Dine -> are u done with spending today?? hahaha! again again!!