Friday, December 01, 2006
Pauper; no more shopping!

we're on teevee!!! boy do i look weird. haha. another fun evening out with my lovely girls; dine and melly (:
didnt get to find a fitting white demin shorts!! either too short or too huge on my hips. darn. but melly and myself got a pair of similar heels in different colour! its pretty but every new pair hurts on the feet so im gonna 'season' it. hopefully it'll expand more! im beginning to have second thoughts on the brown pair! O_o
i want that pretty mustard-ish tube dress!!! cant stop thinking about it. grr..! and the dress at this fashion when i passed by the store on bus 7! bugis bugis again again!
its 2.34am and im on a game of reversi with gerard. crap. insomia sucks. just munched on half a chiken bagette from delifrance. yummy.
i braved through the wind and rain today just to deliver faith her lunch. hahaha. i love u!!
yay! lil sis is returning in a couple of hours from vietnam. cant wait to see her and check out the vintage box, whatnots she got for me (:
babyboy..i wish you're here to tug me to sleep!! seeya real soon k! xoxoxoxxoxo.
Angele -> sheesh...exams fever.
Melly -> haha. i sold one gold belt for a profit of $5. =/ keeping the black and white one. got a chocolate one coming in from a wetseal spree and a rose coloured one coming in from victoriasecrets spree. im into belts?? haha. damn waste money. stop me from spending!! but today was great! we shld do this once a month. hee.