Friday, October 12, 2007
Scrapaholic Anonymous

Pool swim, tann, breakfast, lunch, study - all done at Faith's place (:
She made me Holicks, and its delicious i tell you.
That girl can sure make drinks. Haha.
3 hours spent at MadewithLove, 6 xmas cards completed. $37.55 busted.
Was a stress-free class, at least i wasnt rushing like the previous class. Hoho!
Made a couple of new friends (all adults/retired). One offered me this famous muffin from Shunfu Road. Plus hot chocolate on the house, Wow! heaven.
Now that im officially promoted to [Scrapaholic Anonymous], i need to spend another $1000 on a double stamp day to be a Lifetime member. And i've 1 year to do so. *points a gun at myself*
Aside from the regular discounts and i'll get to use their scraplabs for FREE.
*skips round and round and round*
Was reading Naz blog. You're darn right. Dating couples of Singapore only spend time watching movies together. Twice-thrice a week. What about great sex man. Hey, im not encouraging PreMartialSex but c'on, where's the spunk and excitment when it comes to dating.
Jerr -> i need a chef to go with the meatballs. haha.
Duckied -> you guys heard Shuyun..she said she'll be super free in Dec. You better not reject me when i date you (after my bangkok trip). haha.
Naz -> I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LA. hahahahahaa. all those jokes...they're making my tummy-muscle tougher! :b you caught Peiling on Hey!gorgeous? She's school belle of SIM. When i first knew her in college (i was her OGL), i thought i was the only one who thinks that she's pretty. She's finally being discovered (: