MMS Friends

Sunday, June 29, 2008

11.35pm flight

Talk to me about being a female.

It just have to come when im leaving *curses*


Not only im carrying a 20kg luggage, 1 kg hand-carry, 1 tote, but im also carrying a womb full of blood. FCUK.


They say you cannot starve boys. I think my tardiness has killed the boys. Haha.


Zohan sucked. Not nice at all.


See you all when im back from aussieland on the 13th. If i survive the weather.
Currency aint good so don't expect too much gifts from me.
I've AUD1400 to last me for 14 days.
I'm poor because i paid $2912 out of my own pocket for this grad trip :(

And please keep the 23rd evening for me. I want dinner with my friends on this special day.
If you've trouble with the gift, you can make me a card or bring me a nice metal box/pinic basket as a gift. Haha.
Till then! (: