MMS Friends

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Was nice talking to Faith the moment i'm back in Singapore (:
Hearing her interesting story...i feel happy and excited at the same time for her.

Its like, i don't really hold long conversations on the phone anymore..
Not since the last boyfriend..whom i spent hours in the phone for, everyday.

In relation to phone call, i think as much as i want someone to care for and love, its difficult.
Either because i've locked myself up or that i have no confidence/time.
Or maybe because nobody "right" came along.
Or maybe maybe, nobody likes bad Shanice anymore.

E-shopped on while chatting with Faith, saw alot of pretty clothes. I added USD172 into the cart, got a shock at the value and signed out.


Back in Singapore after spending 4 warm days in sunny Bangkok with lil' sister and Caleb.
Fruitful trip, eye-opener definitely.

Photos will be up shortly.
Was busy replying 100+ emails and wrapping parcels for PO trip tmr.
Feeling the stress, but i kinda like it.
It gives me satisfaction and sense of self-absorption in work.
Whatever that is suppose to mean.

Friday is the studio shoot.
I dunno if this collection is going to rock or what.
The fashion in Bangkok is all the cotton stuff..and shirts..and flowers..and slouchy tops/dresses..
Need to prepare props, accessories, get the clothings pressed, settle my transport..thinking about it makes me all stressed up..and then i feel like shitting. Haha. I call it the-nervous-shit-feeing.

Ok, will update soon (:


I need to:

1) put my type-case up on the wall
2) settle Amanda's kit
3) @scrapztudio's work
4) victoria secrets spree matters
5) prepare for shoot
6) pack my frikking messy table
7) mail out parcels