Tuesday, October 06, 2009
TEENAGE magazine

Final draft for November's issue is out.
Can't wait for Doreen to give me a few copies of TEENAGE magazine (:
Swell subsided a little. My chin is visible now :b
Feeding is a lot easier now that i've recovered from the sore throat.
But i still have to stand aside and smell the delicious food my family is eating.
And that KFC advert, sigh.
I just want to eat!
J.A. was nice enough to come by for a visit today.
With 2 tubs of Swensen's (edit: Haagen Daz) ice -cream!!
OMG, thats what i call a little indulgence for poor me.
Thank you so so much!
(: (: (:
Can't wait for our BKK trip, tell me i'm not dreaming!
Am going to work hard this and next week for the launch of my new collection.
So excited to start working.
Although my face and nose is still swollen, i figured i dont mind others seeing me in this state.
Justina can't wait to start posing infront of the camera too :b