Monday, November 02, 2009

Bought another baby toothbrush and forced it into my mouth.
At this point, i cant really open my mouth that wide.
After 41 days, i can finally clean the insides.
You must be thinking its gross, but weird enough i didnt have bad breath for that period of time.
My mouth is generally clean, of course.
I drank nothing but juices and milk all day.
As much as i've progressed to non-chewing food such as cakes and mee sua, my appetite has decreased drastically. Good news: i'm finally gaining a bit of weight (:
I know i blog about nothing but this, but my life is THAT boring.
I watch movies online, make PO trips to mail out parcels, collect stocks, reply annoying buyers and chillax at home.
Nothing much planned this month (need to get full rest) other than launching a collection and prepare for outdoor flea. Just make more money so i can splurge on the 3 holidays lined up.
Waiting patiently for Jared to get me my Chanel wallet this Thanksgiving. It's a reward for the good sales and surviving the surgery. There's a lot to thank God for. Its worth the celebration (:
Looking forward to dental check up tmr. With mum's company. Double yay!
Dine -> let's go shopping!!
C -> opening my mouth 1cm is like a milestone already..haha..its so stiff i'm afraid i'll dislocate it. im moving on to soft food..can hardly wait till the day i finally stop ranting about my mouth. I need food. haha..are u schooling?