MMS Friends

Monday, September 14, 2015

week 16: discussion of Oscar Results

Shortest wait for gynae today!
Was given a mask because I'm coughing and feeling congested.
Dr Poon walked in with a smile at 10.50am, our appt was at 10.30am with a patient before us.

He took my blood pressure (borderline) and asked how i was feeling, if i was eating well etc.
He went on mentioning that my weight is not increasing fast enough.
I'm standing at 42.5kg now, thats a 100g increase since my last appt 3 weeks ago.
Its not like i don't want to eat, i'm dying to! Appetite is not great and if I'm nauseated, i can forget about food for the rest of the day.
I'm still throwing up as of last week; is my morning sickness ever gonna get better?
His target for me is a gain of 500g by the next appt. WHAT?

Ultrasound scan revealed baby's in good health, all growing accordingly. He stopped giving us the length (head to rump) because as it starts to get more cramp, it will be harder to measure baby's length. He did take notes/length of the baby's limbs, neck, head, torso etc. And of course he let us listen to the precious heartbeat. I always smile when i hear buttercup's loud heartbeat.

This week, buttercup's hand is covering his/her genitals, so Dr Poon couldn't get an accurate reading of the gender. Not surprisingly, baby is sleeping face down, thus the awkward downward facing ultrasound photo below:

He did mention my placenta is a little low-lying but it should move up during the pregnancy.
We went on to discuss the Oscar test which we passed with flying colours.
Age risk is 1:725, and for the other Trisomy 13, it is about 1:<10000 nbsp="" p="">Bloodworks reflected good results for hep B, HIV, glucose and haemoglobin.
Praise the Lord for His hands upon our pregnancy and for this little miracle in my womb (: Just immensely grateful and thankful every single day.

Noticed my gums are bleeding these few weeks, and some bumps on both my arms.
And the hairy belly. Hormones are hard at work!

Because of the haze, I'm coughing and feeling congested.
Dr Poon prescribed Fluimucil, Dequalinium and Duro Tuss Forte for me.
Hopefully it clears up soon cause I'm so done coughing. Not only does it affect my sleep, my head becomes super heavy. And more medication??? No thanks.

This trip is costly because we signed up for the antenatal package $939.46:

package $800
medication $78

This is what Dr Poon King Fu offers in his clinic as of 2015:

So it will be 3 weeks interval per checkup till the 28th week, then it will be fortnightly. Then weekly.
Looking forward to seeing buttercup grow grow grow!

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