MMS Friends

Friday, November 28, 2003

S sat at the bus-stop waiting for J. it was pouring...and it immediately reminds S of the South China Sea. S knows that J's busy and perhaps S should just go and get the stuff herself. then she asked politely what is the thing to buy and a sms came from J asking if S was rushing for time and why didnt S tell J earlier that she wanted to get the stuff first. S's heart crushed and for a simple reason. S sat at the bus-stop crying. S was alone, it was raining and many people were at the bus-stop sheltering themselves from the rain. S meant well...she didnt want to trouble J and initiated getting the stuff first to save time for J. J didnt see it. S knew J wasnt in the best of mood because people in the "sales" line are very moody when they dont meet a certain target. S forgave J and keep quiet about the whole thing. J came at last and shelted S to get the was really quiet considering the fact both of them can be noisy. J asked if anything was okay with S. of course S will say everything's fine...why make J worry over a lil' problem?! the silence broke when J was eating her lunch with S's company. the rest of the day spent together was greatly appreciated by S because J helped S with some computer stuff. the simple reason why S cried was because she tried to be helpful and wanted to get the stuff first. well, J didnt seem to get the same idea as S and ended up sending S a sms with a really mean and impatient tone. S doesnt think she's over-reacting or being petty..its just that...its just that...J means alot to her as a friend....
with all the emotions flooding over S as she sat at the bus-stop watching the raindrops fall onto the road, she wrote a sms:

Sometimes, i wish people can lighten their tone when speaking to me if they happen to be in a foul mood that day..i dont deserve to be pissed at for fun..

you'll know who u are...right?? dont worry, im fine now..really grateful for your help J.