MMS Friends

Friday, January 13, 2006

Johnson's baby lotion

After 7 days at Nestle, they found someone who'll be more committed to the job than I am. So i guess its bubye to free Choco-latte, Choco-mocha, Milo, Mash Potato, Kit Kat and $15 per hour! It kinda urges me to read the papers EVERYDAY now. Media monitoring is great!

I'm officially jobless with no extra income. Otherwise helping out now and then at Zouk. No more money to save. I can finally put my energy into books.

Indeed a special day (or date for that matter). Felt the warm from the great mighty beloved Sun after almost a week of wet weather. =) Did ya see the news? Vegetable and egg prices are prone to rise if the rain continues.

Surf & Sweat 06' is on the 5th of Feb. I'm trying to get a partner for mixed open by next week. Stupid guyfriends..all serving NS if not they're unfit. Damn, my sentosa membership is expiring at the end of January!! Renew?

iGallop. My goodness. Very orgasmic. What's with the girls riding on top of the equipment?? Worst commercial of the year already. Trust me, it can be put to better use. *winks*

Unfortunate event - My maid has gone over to help out at my Aunt's place (her maid got sent back). We're trying to survive without 1 at home for the couple of days. I'm dying already. I can't fold the clothes nicely. Washing the dishes is rather disgusting to me. Jacq, come back to mama soon!!

My Coverlooks picture sucked. I suck. Cheekbones too high, smile till my eyes disappeared. O_o

Lunar New Year is approaching, time for some new clothes and shoes! *grins*

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