MMS Friends

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Google Me

My n73 LCD cracked.
Cost me $64.35 to get it fixed :(

Caught Shutter with Pamela and Sa'edah today.
Woah, fear factor was definitely there inside the cinema.
I clung on to Sa'edah, she might not want to sit beside me next time already :(
I'm better off watching comedy and action movies. HAHA.
Plot was somewhat 'captivating' enough for me.
All spooky shows have a sad story to it, unfortunately.

I was introduced to Female Genital Mutilation by Jerr and Sa'edah.
Gees, irritated.
Couldnt find a decent video on the web to educate me.

Stupid Shit with captial S-es.
I'm ringworm-infested.
Help!!!!!! :(

Can't wait to develop pics from my Fisheye.
But its hard to finish the film.

Spent $90 at MwL today.
4 pending card orders.
No time.

Bought 7 new korean diaries.
Decided it might be good bday gifts.
You might be lucky enough to get one from me.
I promise its gonna be the best diary you ever own (:

Kimmy -> sorry about the dinnerr...figured you better not ask me out anymore. haha. your card?? you wanna order one from me?? HAHA.

Jerr -> thanks, i got my gong4 back! *grins* gore-filled-day *skips around*

Naz -> marry me, i'll get for you (: PS: its not a threat.