MMS Friends

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nine Thirty P.M. sharp

This evening was truly a defining moment in history with my girlies - half SOUL (Melly and Dine).
We waited anxiously at orchard road's junction crosswalk.
9 minutes to 9.30pm, the countdown begins.


5 green men flashed.
We skipped and laughed our way across the road to nowhere.
Basically we wanted to experience a junction crosswalk (Japan's famous for that).
Super excited and totally overwhelmed, we took photos as well.
Caught a super good shot of melly and dine on the road, will post up when Dine sends me the pic. That's why i deserve a good camera. HAHA.

Dinner at Bakerzin after a horrendous paper.
Crazy laughing.
Indulge in reminiscence.
Got dizzy in the cab.
Plans for the next outting.
Hugs and kisses.

I heart my girlies (:


I'm still sick but at least fever subsided.
Antibiotics makes my body unfunctional.
But i can laugh and do anything as long as my girlies are with me.
Those sweetiess are such darlings i tell you.


I wanted to ace in that stupid paper.
But guess what, i might settle for a pass only.
Mousey sat in front of me.
And Angeline behind me.
Didn't help much.
It was a rushed paper.
Bad time-management.
Maybe im just not cut out for exams.


Ran into Maurice.
Avoided him.
But i turned back to have a look at him.
He looks the same.
Maybe uglier.
But more trendy (i used to choose clothes for him).
But it kinda reminded me of the times we had.
The 4 years we shared, the love, the hate, the good, the bad.
Oh Maurice, i hope you've become a better person.


What were you doing at nine thirty P.M. sharp? (:


Jerr -> thanks (: im much better now but will need proper rest. you can keep me in your prayers!

Angele -> no havent been shopping. haha. thanks for the SMS dear, i appreciate your concern really (:

Sa'edah -> not a collection darling. its my wardrobe which i hardly touch. omg.