MMS Friends

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

ICA building

Went to change my Passport photo today. Custom say my photo very "out-dated". Haha..had fun posing for a photo there. Yes..its a very funny photo..haha..

Ate alot today..seriously out of shape liao. -looks at bulging stomach-

Went to Melly's place today. So the plan to Melbourne's off..her mom said it was for old people. Bali's a better place as suggested. I dont mind..can always go Australia again after December. Got hell lot of time. -grinz- Checking out the rates and hotel stuff with the travel agencies at People's Park on Friday. Have to get the stuff settled before As start. Sheryldine, you wanna go there again?? Haha. So, on the confirm list, i still only have Melly, Brenda and myself. waiting for you and your exit permit. Hurry!! =b

All the obese people i know from PLMGS is becoming hell thin. Time to check my diet..haha..because apparently, i can hardly see my toes liao. =)) Mrs Mingott part2. Hurhs..

My sister's gonna specialise on Physical Education in NIE. And perhaps English and Geography. Think she's really happy today. =)) How can anyone give up NUS to go become a teacher??? sister lor..haha..

My right eyes very problematic these was swollen yesterday. Then when i close my eyes to sleep, it hurt like shit. )'= Now should be better..but its i keep rubbing..yikes..

Tired..wanna hug on to you..but you're not here.. -pouts-