MMS Friends

Sunday, October 24, 2004


gooTness...Mum forced me to go market with the new maid. Can i just die?? Dig that shittt!! I havent stepped into a market for trillion years liao?? Morning was destroyed because of my trip to market. Didnt understand why cannot go supermarket. So, i dunno a thing..i was there because:

1) Mummy wants me there
2) Make sure she knows how to count the money
3) Doesnt get cheated
4) Dont get lost
5) No old man flirting with my maid (she IS pretty)
6) Translate what she wants to the smelly fishmonger
7) Get my breakfast
8) Can see what the maid's up to
9) See her buy wrong things and get scolded by Mummy -lols
10) Doing everyone a kind favour =))

Rats..another 16mins overseas so dead. X_X Come back yoou both of us can save money!!! =))

Tuition teacher should be here by now..she's late..or rather not coming. No sms replies from her either. Crapz..irresponsible..alright..she just say that she forgot about it..fcukit?

God-pa's 2nd month..Miss his smiles and waves..i love you..