MMS Friends

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Lush 99.5

Lush 99.5FM has some great music! And i think it's fab... =))

Work's boring..done with all the files..practising for SAT again. My test's this saturday at the Singapore American School. Kinda not prepared for the math session. I wanna do as well for math as i've done for verbal. Think im just gonna brush up on (more) vocab for that. Sufficient. Just worried for math..cant believe im a Mathematic (c) 9233 student some more. *faints*

8 more days and my contract for this job will end. So gonna job hop. Can't stand starin into the computer for 8hours everyday. I need human contact!!!!!!

House-warming when the house's already so old?! Okies, we kinda just got it furnished. Hur..