MMS Friends

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I didnt report for work at IRAS. To put it more accurately, i was irresponsible enough not to have called and inform them. Instead, i switched off my hp and hung up my house phones.

Threadless parcel arrived earlier in the day when i was at school. So excited but none is mine. Haha, one for Shu's way-past-bday-gift, one for himself, one for his cute sister and the other belongs to Eunice.

Thank goodness i went shopping before school today and got myself a sexy new top from Forever21. That made me happy. Haha.

Ok, i've been selected for "The Band" by MoS. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I picked Melly and Chris for something..i dunno what. They asked me to put down names of any 2 friends and i did just that.

Well, it came on time this month. Takes months before it becomes regular after the dis-regularity.

No school tmr. Grapevine in the evening with the girls. Still on, is it? But it is more mugging tmr.

Catch ya all later!

CJS -> haha...come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u know how i feel without u here man. haha..u sure u can remb my bday?? wah friends some more..kill u. u and my boy're the closest yet u are the only 2 forgetting the date. Haha...irony?