MMS Friends

Friday, December 21, 2007

Bangkok 07' {part 3}

click click!

foodcourt: tomyam goong (met a msian actor there)

what the heck does it say?!

innovative toilet symbol! dont u think?

last day in thailand, met all TEAM SINGAPORE flying home too..

welcome drink became our departure drink O_o

hello, room service!

auntie anne for!
KFC cheap!
Mcdonald's cheap!
on a tuk tuk

The expensive birdnest meal we had..

so poor thing i wanna bring him home :(

5 of us on a tuktuk to Chinatown

The hotel elevator ride-up everyday..

The female symbol. Haha.

view of central bangkok from our room..

the disgusting pollutenfied vehicle O_o

checking-in (almost midnight..)

2 hours flight

day 1

day 5

small seat

a bit salty but not bad.

marble cake tasted really good!