Friday, January 11, 2008
Looking Through the Eyes of Love

Kelly allowed me to put my nano on her Roxy dock.
And she gave me a crash course on how to operate crop-a-dile.
Bought the machine and havent been able to work it.
Dumb me.
Think the $95 was very well-spent!
Wasn't an easy project, esp when im not good with stamping on smooth surfaces.
The entire album was made of acrylic (?!) mind you.
Got pretty messy every now and then.
Techiques wise, nothing much picked up.
But its my favourite no doubt (:
Those people who came to me for scrapbook help, I'm still waiting for a treat from you.
School has been stressful. I failed managerial econs again. Sigh sigh sigh. Wrong method of studying? Did better than expected for HRM so thats a consolation. Can't wait to get accounting and orgn theory paper back.
Provisional examination time table is out. Must start planning. I'll be free for grad trip after my last paper on 3rd June. Aussie. Thailand. States and UK is out of question.
Melly -> got ur timetable already? 23rd?? its the only day i can. school's a killer!
Dine -> i can hardly contain my excitement (: if its on, i'll go find my musical VCD. we can sit down and laugh at our hairdo :b