MMS Friends

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Zouk Yard Sale

It was a blast!!! (:

1stly, must thank Melly for sticking it out with me the entire day.
It was really tiring and mind-boggling when we couldn't handle the amount of customers.
Poor babe, she was so tired and had headache at some point!! :(

Not forgetting woman, for your undying love and muscles (and leg hair haha).
Thankyou Edward for popping by to support me. That bag was a bargain man!!

If i had the chance to shop around (w/o panicking about the customers at my stall), i would have checked out EVERY SINGLE item at other vendors'.

Bought myself 2 vintage picnic baskets. Ooo...Dadee just commented i should stop already. Haha, its the 7th time-piece at home (:

Cleared most of my old stocks. Which means i can get more stocks for the new collection! *skips around*
I lost 2 pieces of clothings though..sigh. Happens everytime i have a flea. Its crazy, i mean, i really cannot keep an eye on ALL the people buzzling around my stall, can I?

Overall, it was a good profit of course. To cover back my time, food, taxi fare and rental.
This couldnt've been possible without Chris and Melly.
And so,
thankyou very much my dearest darlings!! (:
Melly -> ahhh!!! 9.30pm!!