Saturday, June 07, 2008

Couldn't resist this top.
I have to get it.
Its floral.
Its me.
I haven't shopped for a month so i figured i deserve it!
It was a Luke's farewell dinner at srgn gardens.
He's not going anywhere in particular.
Seems like im heading to gardens every other day.
Its the new "hougang".
Aston's was pretty awesome.
I like the chiken wings.
I always do (:
Bought a tub of B&J's after dinner, headed back to Indran's where we had Mac-lessons, youtubes.
Love his home. Love it.
Just me, Tirene, Luke, Indran for the evening (:
Liyu -> you hardly attend any of our dates :( its now liyu, boy, beemer. we converted to macbabes, no longer soul. HAHA.
Jerrome -> my schoolmate shanice.. oh yes, got alot of melbourne related brochures. My friend mailed over. we can start when you're done on Sunday! (: the diaries, i've an entire collection of them! hahahahaha. maybe if you're special enough, i'll give you one for your bday. be a good boy *winks*