Sunday, July 27, 2008
Maybe because period is coming..

I'm fcuking pissed k.
Forget the excuses, tell me the truth.
And you. Fcuk you. Didn't have the courtesy to inform us you are not interested to come for the outing. Fcuking just tell us the truth. You think we cannot take it ah. You're not even that important please. Go round and round and round the bush. I'm 22 years old, i can analyse situations. Not as well as God but good enough.
If there's anything to apologise for, its that i shouldn't vent my anger on this crazily small matter just because someone pissed me off earlier.
So i was in the cinema watching The Dark Knight with Sa'edah, when all the distractions came in. And god damnit i dunno what the entire show was about. I was already having a hard time deciding who's bad and who's good. But eh, the clown's acting damn good la. Kudos.
Went out with Sheryldine on Friday. Chilled at Coffeebean, had a good talk instead of shopping and just more shopping. I love you (:
Faith -> hahaha, you confused me there!!! :b what am i suppose to do without you babe..sigh..