Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Faith's Commencement: Class of 2009

Lunch with Sheryldine at Canele.
Think both of us nearly died eating the cream based Smoked Salmon entree.
Shopping at Agnes B and LV.
The neon pink vernis wallet is tres pretty!! But $1180 is way out of budget.
So thankful Yu Sheng is getting the wallet for me at HK. Agnes B a bit more affordable right now.
Why am i into pink!!
I surely hope its the seasonal thing.
Congratulations Faith!
We're all so proud of you (:
Long day for me tmr -
10am-1pm : art workshop
1-3pm : post office trip and art materials shopping
3-4pm : BofA
6-8pm : complete order
9pm : Coffee date with Pamela