MMS Friends

Saturday, December 25, 2004


Christmas service at Indoor Stadium was nice. Season's atmosphere not exactly there..but the crowd was huge. Normal service i how Cityharvest always does it. =)) Still, the company with Shuming, Edward, Kenneth, Tisha and Tirene were the best!

Lunch at Plaza Singapura was good. Mingled around with Shuming, Jacq, Edward, Kenneth, Tirene and Luke. Thought Kenneth was funny and friendly towards strangers like me and Tirene. -grinz- Oh well, Luke actually offered to pay for my proach from Future State. Can u believe it? O_o So i lied to him its $54 and gave him the weird "why-you-wanna-buy-me-christmas-present" kinda look. Haha..its not that expensive lar okies..should see the look on his face. -lols-

Sorry i didnt do any christmas presents shopping this year. And a big thank you to those who bought me presents. Afterall, they say its better to give than to receive. You'll feel so wonderful giving people..not like me..feel like shit on the receiving hand.. =/

No calls from Billy Bombers. My retainers are gone. -sobs- Have to see the dentist again to get another pair. Why am i so freaking careless?!

Waiting for Christmas dinner with family (no Mum) and the strawberry log cake!! Haha..before heading down to Jacq's place for party! =))

Stupid cabbie...he so cheated my money while looking for her place. Anyway, i finished the ham..they were great! were the rest of the food lar. Oh guess what, Jacq corrected my grammer. -faintz- Dont talk to her!! -lols- =b Had fun although it was only an hour or so of interacting and dining. Heee...Jacq!! Now we've been to each other's place!! -skips ard-

Meanwhile, the Frog and Liyu arguing..and they pulled me in..hell..Im always the middleman..settle yourselves!!! Args..i dont like to be in the middle and keeping things from either party!! -roars-

Merry Christmas to all out there. Esp those who sent me a sms or called me. But i was too lazy to reply to anyone.! -grin-