MMS Friends

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Perpetual Kid

Monday rush:

went to grab stocks
went for tuition
went home to settle some online biz
went for Zihui's dinner date
came home, got started on the new collection
made a card for a customer
went to bed at 4am

Tuesday madness:

went to school
revised accounting
went for revision class
stayed back to ask questions
bought brownies from P.osh
Felicia companied me to PS
found my white loafer
"boss" offered me 20% off new arrivals
threw in a pair of jelly-like sole support for free
how weird
i didnt know you can haggle in a shopping centre
because he offered 10% initially and i said i'll consider
counter-offered and we dealed at 20% off
you tell me weird a not?

1) he likes me
2) he's trying to gain arbitrage from staff discount (this is nonsensical because whats $10 to a old man)
3) he knows i really like that pair and since i look young (student-ish), he decided to be nice and help me save some money.

oh lord, i CANNOT figure it out! O_o
am i suppose to rejoice or what??

its not the exact same pair i want from Pedro but i figured this pair is equally as good (: