Thursday, April 10, 2008
Twenty by Twelve
This season:
Eventful day at MwL.
After busting $300+, im convinced there's no need to step into the shop for the rest of the month. Now, don't shake your head. I'll resist it. I will!
But im really happy with my pattern papers, new Anna Griffin scrapbag, albums..the list goes on *skips around*
Went for Kelly's class. Its another genius album created by her.
I'm feeling so accompolished because its the only album i've completed within a time frame.
Always procrastinating because i dont've the time :(
Had so much fun as usual..with Sweeching being so philosophical. She cracked (really hard) when i made a boo-boo. It was damn funny. Haha. Kelly had to do damage control for me (as usual). So thankful for my teeeeecher *grins* Then we decided to swop our last page because we felt that each other's page was prettier. Teehee :b
Presenting, La Petit Chinoiserie!
Ajisen with Jinette babe (:
Its been a while since we last met up.
Catch-up session during dinner, overwhelmed by the amount of things going on.
Thankyou so much for supporting my apparels business babe!