MMS Friends

Friday, June 13, 2008

Our bond..

It was the girls sleepover at my place (:
We surfed the net, shared cool programs, taught each other stuffs, basically it was heaps of fun.
Left 3 DVDs running while we chilled out.
And by the time we're done mac-ing (macbook and mcwings meal), we were just in time for the last DVD.
Knocked out at 5.30am. Could hear the birds chirping.

Bumped around the house and left at 11am for our individual appointments, met up at Raffles Place 4.30pm.

Shall skip the mf california fitness story.

Walked to Suntec after dinner. Photo-whored. I realised how much i love my girlies (:

Squeezed at IT fair. In 30 minutes, $169 was gone on a harddisk (250GB, free case and garskin, 5 years warranty) and a Logitech white mouse ($25, 3 years warranty).
Figured it was somewhat a good deal.

Supper-ed at Carls' Jr before Dine's bf drove us home (i appreciate it alot, esp with all the barangs).
Sweet couple, they waited patiently while Melly and I shopped.
I'm thinking, i really do love you girls!
Alot (:


Minus the fact you anyhow sent a msg on my hp while i was in the shower.
I could kill you for that la.
Gotta stop the teasing i swear.
Too much to handle.
Annoying. HAHA, just kidding la. But give me a break :(


Busted $99 on a Zutter machine at MwL.
Please don't kill me :(
I couldn't resist it, it is extremely useful and currently on a promotion.
So plus this and that, total damage was $165 thereabouts.
Can cry. My earnings from latest collection spent just liddat today.
Could have gotten an LV item.


I think i need to release one more collection and this time, lock up the earnings for BKK trip.

The aussie planning session this afternoon with Jerr and Pamster at Starbug's this afternoon was not very progressive :(


Enjoy the photos you guys (: