Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Discover Canvas

Gen & I caught it in 3D today (:
Its been a crazy week so far.
New collection & keeping up with appointments.
Lucinda (my PA for the current collection) nearly died carrying 45 jeans & 250 envelopes home for me today. I've thus learnt my lesson; hire a male helper instead. Poor girl..but she got to sit down with me for lunch during her 4 hours & a shopping trip to Orchard (needed her to grab some stuff).
Somehow, even with a PA, i still feel the stress.
Woke up really early for interview at Nomura.
9 months contract, attractive pay with no benefits.
I have a good feeling about this one.
We shall see (:
Restaurant Week 2010 pics will be up this weekend.
Stay tune!