MMS Friends

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Reading Jenn gor's entry really cracked me up! Esp that last sentence: "I thought people in Pisa will be busy painting instead of playing Gunbound."

Haha..i was addicted to GB last holidays. But i dont think i can play all these games well, CS or always the first to "die"!! Bahaha..if not i'll be hiding behind walls or shooting my own team-mates dead. -laughs- One aspect of me that doesn't resembles a typical boy..

I had a weird dream today morn. I recalled myself throwing up when i saw someone attempting to throw up. When i puked, it was whitish in colour and it evaporates in 1 minute. When the liquid stuff is gone, i saw all sorts of seeds in the bag i puked into. It was weird cause i dont remember eating almonds in my dream. I was so amazed that i showed it to everyone..and i woke up telling myself to ask Edward what does this mean since he has a dream dictionary.

Tuition was good today..teacher didnt temble and i didnt appear to not-know-anything. Haha..spent a little more time on Integration than usual this week so i wont appear blur and stoopid..Hee

Budget04 is out.
I read till my eyes popped out.
So many pages.
But better read.
Since im an Economics student.

PS: this is not meant to be a poem!! haha..