MMS Friends

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Found that photo in my folder. Memories. =) I really hate that dress by the way. The wardrobe had a hard time fitting us into those shiny jeweled clothes. Looks totally figure-less on me. Maybe i am but whatever. They actually said "I miss those Miss Singapore girls" as they were busy readjusting the strings and what-nots on us during fitting. I took it as a direct insult.

Those pineapple tarts are frikkin temptin. But we all know pineapple aint good for the complexion. And those bua_guas..oily yet delicious. Ughs..

Mum actually made us buy pjs. I hate the designs but since its once in a year, buy lor. Haha. Reunion dinner tonight. Steamboat. *slups*

Huge fight with my lil' sister yesternight. Sometimes, people just wont admit they're wrong. Gets on my nerves. Just dont borrow my stuff if u cant return them in the same exact way i've lent u. Period.