Friday, April 16, 2010
Tmr, we play!

Yesterday was dinner at Pasta Inc with J, Chris & Emery.
Nero Di Seppa pasta rocks!! (:
Tonight was dinner with Faith and her folks at Tony Roma's & Swensens.
3 funny episodes:
1) Uncle Harold actually bought his 'menu homework' to the restaurant.
2) Faith was really concerned about 'asking for the bill' when there was none (they had this free sundae coupon voucher). i was persuading them to walk out of the restaurant just like that.
3) He helped me to 'ta bao' a water tumbler for office use.
4) We were wondering if the water tumbler was made of plastic. so i gently knocked it against my skull. And he passed a comment saying that hitting plastic against plastic won't produce a sound. MEANING IM PLASTIC. omg. hahaha..sometimes i do act like a bimbo. but its purely for entertainment ok!
Thats why i love hanging out with Faith and her parents so much.
You dont really feel like there's an age gap & i can be myself, totally :b
And yes, im reminded again that if i dont like something, doesnt mean its not nice.
But if i try to like it, and i still dont, doesn't mean its not nice either.
wtf am i saying. im saying, its preference. ok shuddap already.
Work's alright.
As you can prolly see above, we had some 'free' time to take photos in the small room.
We're moving out to the 'real' department/office on Monday.
Work's gonna be really hectic soon with UK project coming in.
FFFF flea event at F1 pit building tmr from 12 noon to 8pm.
Drop by if u can!
Am looking forward to making big bucks :b
Angele -> persevere!! your turn will come soon..hehe
Melly -> wah so fast give him brownie points? but i was surprised he actually urged me to buy something for you (: aint he sweet!