MMS Friends

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Chinese lesson was cancelled by the courtesy of Lao_Shi. For once in history, i went home at 1pm. =)

So i called in for Pizza at 3pm. Guess what? This woman who took my order didnt ask me how to spell my name. Im surprised, because people usually spell it wrong..well, at least 99% of my friends think the spelling is Chernice. *oh my gooTness*

So the delivery came.
I looked at the receipt.
My name was spelt as "SENIS".
What the hell...
doesnt it remind you of the word "PENIS"????!!!!!!

It was indeed insulting..will show you guys the receipt if you're interested. Feel like cursing Pizza Hut.

But their Afternoon Special was really good. Order 1 Supreme pizza (pan) and you'll get free breadsticks, 6 chicken drumsticks and one bottle of Pepsi. It will only cost you $19.85. Consider it cheap cause it's cooked for you and they deliver it to your place. They took an hour today cause it was raining..good junk-food, so im sharing it with you guys. =) Im a junk-food lover!!! Imagine the amount of calories though..

So, you guys all know the number to dial!
It's 6-2353535...Pizza!