MMS Friends

Thursday, March 11, 2004


Told myself not to blog today but i found myself infront of the computer, again. So i'll make this a short entry..

My neck and shoulders are frigging aching...sitting down on the floor has become a problem to me. Also, I have this feeling that my hamstring is going to give-way again..

Hmmm..PE teacher cried. I dont really think its anyone's fault. Her lesson was a little boring because i found myself doing nothing for the 1st time during PE. Then she made us do shuttle run. She started to break down when some didnt follow her instructions and told us to go home. I just comforted her in the office..sigh..i think the only reason i'll apologise to her is that because she's our teacher and yet we made her cry, regardless of any reason.

So Bernard Tan told us to run 10 rounds in the rain..i cant believe it. Crazy..running doesnt solve a single shit you be extreme, i think if you wanna be a teacher, you better know how to handle all this shit. If you wanna cry, dont do it infront of the students. My older sister is a teacher at PLMGSS now. She also cried once..but to me, its just a small matter. i know teachers have feelings because they're interacting with humans and not animals. Crying is no big deal but showing us you cant handle PE lessons is rather funny know..Mr Goh's gonna kill us tmr or smth..he can make us run another 50 rounds..i dont care..its not like its everyone's fault today.. speaking up for myself-the ones who participated, the others who didnt participate, for the relief teachers and teacher's generally. My thoughts about what happened is all over the place. I sympathise yet found it absurd. But one thing for sure, i didnt regret any of my moves. i participated and did my best.

Okie..toodles for now..