MMS Friends

Friday, April 21, 2006

Another Friday

Had to erase the previous post. Didnt exactly want the whole world asking me what happened.

I admit it was selfish, unwise and totally disrespectful. I'm sincerely sorry. =/ I wish nothing will change between us..i still wanna hear u whine and cry and laugh about life. And i still want you to hear me bitch about my life as well.

That aside, my day wasnt exactly fantastic. Of course it couldn't and wouldnt've gone well. At least not till i got home at 9pm..

2 DHL boxes with 10 pairs of BIRKENSTOCKS arrived today. Unfortunately, only 1 belongs to me. Haha. I ripped it open not even Christmas! *grins* Chris was excited as well..he came to collect it straight away! Komando. Ew. Oh, my Mum asked about you after you left. Haha.

Footshopping is really efficient, took them 13 days only! If there's one thing to rejoice for, it is for the fact that we didnt entrust those orders to a friend some weeks ago. There's no extra charges (or tax for that matter) despite both orders were $300 plus/minus. Nuff' said.

New shoes! (: