MMS Friends

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sistas shopping

I saw Utt in town!! =)))) He's gorgeous..but a lil' too fair??

The market makes my skin rot big time!! I'll narrate the entire story in my next entry. Glad to see Grace least ONE familiar face which i can smile at. The lormee was delicious too..and coke have never tasted so good before. PS: i didnt touch that sweet gas-y drink for a month or so already. =) Cheers to better health peeps.

Yes..Liyu, i hope u went home early. Haha..met that girl at Breeks to return her the "imperial goods". -__-lll

Shopped with sisters in the afternoon. Bought for myself a cmon urban skirt from <FLESH IMP>. It's my first official piece of clothe from there. Oh..and this heels from U.R.S & inc. They cost $49.90 each. I cant believe i do last minute shopping for CNY every year. -_0 But! They're yet another gorgeous sexy pretty barangs i picked out! =)

Most of all, it was the sisters bonding which made my day. We took our 2nd neoprint after 8 years? =) Wow..i was so thrilled i gave my lil' sis a kiss after the shopping spree and my jiejie hugged both of us tight on our way to fetch a cabbie. *smiles* Dinner at Marche was great too! Thanks for the treat jiejie..

Work tmr as usual. Which after im going back to college for English Week rehearsal with Tirene. I dont think im bored of my job at all. 2 weeks have passed and im still surviving aint i? *grinz* Just waitin for the digits on my bankbook to grow on the 15th. =)