MMS Friends

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Eggs hurled;

Another episode whereby Mom yelled at Maid over dinner today. Now, just read and dont try anything dumb by dial-ing 999 for my poor Maid and said that Mom has abused her. Get real.

Normally, its a routine to have salted eggs with porridge (read:lunch). Rice's usually served during dinners. So, my dumb-dumb maid Jacq served it for dinner, ice-cold from the fridge. Got Mom worked up of course. Plus we had 5 dishes as compared to the normal fish, meat, veggie and soup. Plus plus older sis isnt with us (NTU hall), imagine the excess food. There's an overpopulation of women in the household, our appetite is small. Very small. After the usual scolding by Mom, Dadee will intervene and tell Mom to be nice to Maid and stuff.

Mom threatened to send the Jacq back. I'll be the first to die, really. Life as a lazy princess will end.

Aside: me and lil' sis sat there, stunned and all, wishing older sis was there to help out with the sitution. Would things have been in better control, i mused.

Because Dadee stupidly (kindly???) kept speaking up for the Maid and ended up trying to finish the disgustingly cold salted egg for her (Mom told the Maid to finish all by herself and not to throw them away), ended up making Mom more furious. So, guess what happened next? Read the title of this posting for a huge clue:

Yes, Mom took the eggs, threw them onto the floor, HARD. Oh great. We all got a shock. Then Dadee still smiled and happily argued back with Mom. Why cant Dadee just give in right, for our sake. Of course i was a little scared lar. It wasnt in Mom's genes to be so violent although her speech stinks and hurt like crazy (they're equally as loud). Alarming i must say.

Im trying to recover. Meanwhile, i seriously think the Maid started the whole episode and Dadee actually fueled the egg-mashing. Sometimes, all of them should just relax a little more. Temper management classes, thats what my Mom needs right?

But i understand, it isnt easy living up to Mom's expectations, even if you're just a domestic worker in our household. Not to mention, being a daughter. Whether my Maid's gonna have her 1st year anniversary here, its for Mom to decide.

Whatever it is, my concern is basically to have a maid. Dont preach to me about treating a human who has flown all the way from Philippines here nicely, cause i do. My parents'll be fine by tonight so im washing my hands off the 47 year olds. Haha.