MMS Friends

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Nice Sweet Fantastic *pui*

That guy in my class is getting weirder. His tone on MSN was uber "nervous", in fact i made him sound like a fool. He's 2 years older than me, yet not that mature towards girls. Worst of all (like i'd mentioned a few posts ago), he asked Pauline for her contact and for mine. And Pauline actually gave mine!!! *curses* Totally no interest pls..

Guys, so cocky. Come up with something better. We're 19, not 9.

Anyhow, Pauline and I ate 400g of M&Ms in 3.5hours. Fatness or fatness?? Blardy heaty.

I really love splashing my face with icy-cold water.

Shall we all dress up in red and white for National Day?? Spontaneous!! =))