MMS Friends

Life; In My View

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Done with my 1st session!
It's basically ablation of soft tissue and skin resurfacing, a non-laser & non-light−based treatment utilizes RF sublation (fractionated bipolar radio frequency technology) to place the heat energy effectively into the dermis where it can produce significant dermal impact with minimal epidermal disruption.

e-Matrix should solve the cosmetic concerns i have, alongside with proper acne treatment/skincare.
Excited to see the results before my 2nd session in a month's time.
For now, i can see many tiny scabs and mild redness which should go away in 3-5 days time (:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Good Mood Food

Violin lesson was surprisingly very invigorating today! I'm actually feeling it! Even Eric looked pleased (:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tokyo, Japan 2012

Highlights from the trip.
The cherry blossoms were late this year, but nonetheless so beautiful, i was in absolute awe.

Not to mention having seen the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24m-Mount Fuji.
Shizuoka prefecture, spectacular (:

25th Anniversary of the MAS

Chris introduced this new note to me.
His new-found hobby. Haha.